How to succeed in MLM as a newbie?
The best way to run an MLM business is to get it in front of as many people as you can, so the people who are interested in finding out more will come to you willingly. In my opinion, this is a totally passive way of enrolling people into your business and sharing whatever product your business is offering. Yes, this is much like a traditional method of selling product in a showroom or shop. Since the event of the internet there are many free and affordable marketing method that will take your business forward and compete with the top MLM earners.
MLM marketing should be a passive marketing approach, where your passive engagement creates longevity and leverage on your business
To create the passive effect when marketing your MLM business online your content needs to be value based. This means using value based attraction marketing or education marketing methods. This method will build trust and rapport with your viewer, listener or readership, because the two main reasons why someone searches on the internet is for entertainment or information. So, arguable to attract someone to your business or product via online marketing you need to entertain or inform them. Personally, when I first started looking for a new business opportunity I went to the internet and searched for more information about the company, their business plan and their products until I found what I was looking for. In my opinion, this is one of the most passive marketing methods available to the online network marketing pro and used by most successful MLM people working online.