Why are the top MLM earners deceptive about their success

Why are the top MLM earners deceptive about their success

If you are learning how to make good money from home in MLM it is most likely you have an upline leader giving you misleading and inaccurate advice

My name is Steven Jackson and I have been an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer and podcaster for the last 25 years, because it ticks all the boxes for me and gives me the financial freedom and the global independence I have always desired, which means I can choose where and how I live and work.

On this page I am going to explain why the highest paid MLM earners are given their downline misleading information on how to become successful in the business and suggestions on how to do it right.  I am going to take you through a strategy I have been using with great success for some years after realizing that the traditional MLM business opportunity marketing methods were just not up to the job of building a sustainable business in MLM. 

The main issue for me in my early days was the fundamental misinformation we would be given to build our business and then later finding out what we were being taught was not even close to what our leaders were doing. As you can imagine, some of us became very disillusioned with the industry and wanted to understand the reason for the great deception.  

The normal pitch from top MLM earners to their downline

  1. Create a warm leads list of family and friends
  2. Reach out to them and invite them to a business and product presentation
  3. Enroll them into your business or sell them some products
  4. Repeat
So how has that been working for you?
Like most of us in the day, not well at all

The main reason it doesn’t work is because it never really did. Your upline leaders needed to start somewhere, so asking you to contact your family and friends was their place to start, because it is easy and duplicatable. If they started the conversation by explaining the different types of marketing methods, the financial commitments and marketing strategies, they believed most would run to the hills with panic. If I consider myself in the early days of being in MLM a simple plan may have been the right strategy, but that was a different time when technology of the internet did not exist.

I do understand the reason why many leaders start with a "Do as I say and not do as I do attitude" but I feel that many of you seriously looking for creative ways to make money in a home business are willing to learn new skills. The reality is many of us, since the birth of the internet have become quite apt to using online services and platforms without realizing how knowledgeable we already are. Also, most leaders do not believe we are smart enough to understand what they are really doing, which of course is condescending and pompous.

As you can imagine, some of us became very disillusioned with the industry and wanted to understand the reason for the great deception

Three key tips on how to make good money from home and online like the top MLM earners

  1. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LEAD GENERATION: The fact is you cannot rely on your downline to generate leads and build a sales team. This sounds great on paper but in reality it is a non-starter, meaning you need to be in control of the system where you have an everlasting stream of leads joining your warm and targeted list of prospects. Anyone who knows me, including my friends and family already knows that I have never tried to recruit, sponsor or enroll any of them into my business, because if they are interested in what I am doing they will come to me. Also, when your friends and family hear you trying to pitch a business opportunity which none of us really like doing, the first question in their minds are, “Do I need to do this? No way do I want to do that!” and that is the point we all realize that this is going to be more difficult than we imagined. So having an independent and continues stream of warm leads is a must for MLM success. Learn More!
  2. YOU NEED TO LEARN NEW SKILLS: If you are going to start a new business or career or profession new skills are required. There is no point trying to use engineering skills in a marketing business even though there may be transferable skills, however there will still be new skills and knowledge needed to become successful. In the years I have been in MLM I have learnt things that 10 years ago would have been unthinkable, but today they are just apart of my skill set. The sad truth is that our success has nothing to do with joining one of the top MLM companies, the products they market or the business plan they offer. The product or the company ideology may influence the passion we may feel in our business, but the skills we have will be the X factor between success and failure. If you took top MLM earners out of their companies and put them in a completely different MLM business they would be successful and at the top of their game in six to twelve month. The reason is simple, the skills and knowledge are the same in both companies and in fact the whole industry. Finally, it is all about you and the skills and knowledge you already have and what you are willing to learn, so find a leader who you can relate to and has the same mindset as yourself and work and learn from them.  Learn More!
  3. TAKE CONSISTENT AND DAILY ACTION AND STAY FOCUSED ON YOUR GOALS: A quote I used in a team meeting some years ago upset and even angered some of my team and that was, “Procrastination is the death of success”. I personally do not regret saying it even though it upset some of my team members, because the truth is, it underlined the fundamental problem of running a business where someone is only responsible for their own actions. The key to success is to stop finding the reason why you can’t do something, because you don’t have the skills, strength or knowledge and concentrate on what you can do and then do it. Then decide what you want and I mean what you really want from your business and take continues and daily actions towards that goal. However, saying you want to fly to the moon when you have no rocket is simply not achievable so make your goal achievable. Also, understanding that there are daily failures, such as 90% of your leads will never join your business or buy your products. Prospects you believe will be great for your business will do almost nothing and then leave. This is how our business is, so except this new reality and be realistic that bad things will happen and like losing weight success will take time. Once you have accepted the crawl reality of business and life you can start working of pursuing and visualizing your goals which will give you the strength and the passion to commit to this journey in the first place and in the future. Learn More!
Passive marketing

Passive marketing

How to make good money from home

MLM Online

Procrastination is the death of success

What are the top MLM Earners doing?

Clearly not going around to their family and friends. The fact is MLM leader attract leads and prospects because they already have the skills and knowledge the new network marketer does not have. They have get themselves and their business in front of those who matter and want to join their business and buy their products.

They realized that pitching the business and product like a timeshare rep does not work while a passive marketing approach does, because the prospect or customer feels they are make the choice to join or buy. 
MLM business opportunity

How to succeed in MLM as a newbie?
The best way to run an MLM business is to get it in front of as many people as you can, so the people who are interested in finding out more will come to you willingly. In my opinion, this is a totally passive way of enrolling people into your business and sharing whatever product your business is offering. Yes, this is much like a traditional method of selling product in a showroom or shop. Since the event of the internet there are many free and affordable marketing method that will take your business forward and compete with the top MLM earners.

MLM marketing should be a passive marketing approach, where your passive engagement creates longevity and leverage on your business
To create the passive effect when marketing your MLM business online your content needs to be value based. This means using value based attraction marketing or education marketing methods. This method will build trust and rapport with your viewer, listener or readership, because the two main reasons why someone searches on the internet is for entertainment or information. So, arguable to attract someone to your business or product via online marketing you need to entertain or inform them.  Personally, when I first started looking for a new business opportunity I went to the internet and searched for more information about the company, their business plan and their products until I found what I was looking for. In my opinion, this is one of the most passive marketing methods available to the online network marketing pro and used by most successful MLM people working online.

Passive engagement

To create the passive effect when marketing your MLM business online your content needs to be value based

If the top MLM earners are using this method why isn't everyone?

Nobody is saying this method of marketing is simple, but with a small amount of training in basic online marketing methods anyone with limited knowledge of the internet and online marketing can learn how to make good money from home and online in MLM. As mentioned earlier in this article, new skills are needed and in many cases new people to the industry do not believe they will work or have the motivation to commit to learning new ideas and methods.

I am sure at the moment you have gone through all your family and friends and anyone else you know and finally you don't know who to reach out to or speak next. The fact is you are not alone, there are thousand of people in the same situation as yourself, fortunately you are reading the article so there is a solution at hand.


If you would like to learn more about my passive marketing methods or how some of the top MLM earners make money from home online, add your name, email address and a short message below and I will get back to you asap. 


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